There's a whole lot of noise around me today. I think it's the day i finally get out out of here, to the world out there. The voices are getting louder and louder. The one screaming the loudest is very familiar. I've been hearing it for a pretty long time now. (*Gasp*) I'm moving outta here...
Phew, it took a while but i'm out now, and the familiar voice has stopped screaming. I think she's my mother. Oh, she's lovely. She looks all exhausted but she's lovely.
It's pretty chilly out here...can i get a blanket or something? Anybody? Why ya'll just staring at me though? Oh, I'm supposed to cry...okay, here goes...
They seem relieved now that they've heard me cry. One lady's face is still stern. She has taken me into her hands and she's examining me thoroughly.
"Is there anything wrong with the baby?" one asks.
"Let's go to the next room, let the mother rest," says the stern lady carrying me away. I'm still uncovered though ya'll, mind just throwing a blankie over my belly?
Silence. Time is passing. They are measuring my head, chest,legs...weighing me, examining me here, examining me there, bla bla bla...for goodness sake, what are they looking for?
"This baby has Down's Syndrome," says the doctor.
I'm sorry, what? I have what?
"Down's Syndrome?" asks the nurse, her eyes droopy.
"Yeah, trisomy twenty-o..."
"I know what Down's Syndrome is," she interrupts. She looks kinda sad.
"Oh, the mother's gonna be so disappointed. She was so excited about having this baby."
"Well, you're gonna have to break it to her."
Okay, hold up people, what on earth is this Down's thing you say i have? Is it supposed to be a bad thing coz I feel fine over here. I promise, I'm perfectly fine.
The nurse lifts me up and now she's taking me back to the labour room. I can almost feel the resentment in her touch, it's more careless than before. I wanna wink at her or give a side grin.
We've entered the labour room now.My mother is asking about me.
"Uhmm, ma'am..." begins the nurse," I'm so sorry I have some bad news..."
My mother's eyes are wide open.
"What?" she asks, impatiently, her breathing rising.
"Your baby has Down's Syndrome. If this had been detected in the earlier periods of pregnancy we'd have done something about it. You can..."
"Give me my baby," says my mum, calmly. I'm kinda scared. Will she accept me with this Down's whatever they say i have? Her tender hand just stroked my cheek. I'm looking into her lovely eyes. Tears are flowing down her cheeks...but behind the gleaming liquid veil deep into her soul, I see...i see love. Pure love.
"My baby's perfect." She says.
My heart smiles in response to hers.
The definition of perfection is one you put on it. I look at myself from the inside out- and I find myself absolutely flawless.
Every cell in my body is intricately crafted- the phospholipids and proteins in my cell membranes all perfectly correlating in harmony with the cytoplasm and nuclei within. Oh, the detail is amazing.
It's funny how you people here on earth would consider someone almost less human just because of a single defect in their chromosomes, or the amount of melanin they have, or whatever else makes them different. It's the difference that makes us all so "perfect" for each other in this world. Appreciate your full set of chromosomes, and don't be weirded out by mine. I'm just as awesome.
Stop living from the outside in, for it is within that you find your crown and golden scepter, suggesting you are king, and you're meant to be reigning. (wrote that for the rhyme, but really, live from within)
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